Buyer Beware
We've all heard and many of us have said they don't make them like they used to. For the heating and air conditioning industry we can say "Thank Goodness!" they don't. Air conditioning, heat pumps and furnaces are more efficient and more reliable today than any other previous time in history. Not only are systems more reliable but they have improved the technologies to such a high reliability that most last a lifetime. Lifetime expectancies have increased in all areas. Equipment warranties have increased as well. What is the Achilles heel has been the poor performance of the professionals in our industry. While equipment has improved in quality and reliability the opposite has occurred in many of the installers and contractor professionals. Copeland who manufacturers the popular efficient scroll compressor used by all major HVAC manufacturers reports over 30% of compressors returned under warranty have absolutely no defects. And says Copeland the numbers keep rising. Manufacturers of electronics including variable speed motors manufactured by General Electric report that over 55% of the motors returned have absolutely no defects. Other electronics manufacturers report no defect warranty returns as high as 85%. This is not only alarming but ridiculous. How can an industry of professionals report any concerns with the quality of manufacturers products when they can't even diagnose simple defects correctly many of which were caused by them? 98% of all real warranty problems are related to improper sizing and installations. What is going on is the highest level of incompetence, education and poorest practices in the HVAC industry than ever. Homeowners need to seriously pay attention to what is happening when they have a new system installed or their existing system requires service. How many parts are replaced needlessly can't be detected outside of warranties. But it can be safely assumed that if over 50% of parts replaced under warranty aren't defective and another 45% failed due to poor installations it's certain many more parts are unnecessarily replaced after warranties expire. Next time you hear a contractor bashing any manufacturer ask them about all the problems they create in their own backyard. It's difficult to accept but easy to understand contractors bashing manufacturers as another attempt to mask their own incompetence. It's that same incompetence that causes many of the parts to be wrongly diagnosed and replaced without the technician even being aware he's the source of the problem. Parts are misdiagnosed most times out of ignorance rather than intentional deceit. The best medicine to this problem is to protect yourself through education. The more you know the less likely you will be a victim to these problems.

Selecting a new ultra efficiency air
conditioning/heating system requires a significant financial
investment. The seller is the most important key to having
a successful installation. The technical assistance, support
and quality of that support determines whether your project
is successful. In our 34 years of experience we have learned
what works well and assists homeowners to give them the
confidence and knowledge necessary for a successful installation.
We learn continually and constantly update this information
to you. We have heard from many homeowners that they wish
they had found DESCO Energy and SEER in the beginning,
as they have had to deal with unanswered questions, misinformation
or a disconnected phone line from an online seller no
longer in business or a seller who was more interested
in selling equipment but had no expertise in assisting
them through the installation process. One homeowner who
was sold an oversized system and later discovered the
seller had no training or affiliation with the manufacturer.
Don't let this happen to you.
We are the ONLY online seller providing
a legitimate method for homeowners to properly size or
select the system that's best for them. You won't find
anything similar to SEER Solution for
Energy Efficient Results providing guidelines and
requirements and technical assistance as we do at DESCO
Energy. All this is a result of 34 years experience assisting
homeowners like you from A to Z for a complete installation.
Online sellers are mostly contractors
who are part of the epidemic problem of oversizing and
improper installations, or one man shows working as fronts
for independent wholesalers working out of their homes.
It is for these reasons that HVAC manufacturers do not
provide warranty or technical support for their online
sales. The average life span of these online sellers is
less than contractors in the HVAC industry and most have
only 2 to 5 years in business, no certified training and
no financial commitment. Over 98% of these online sellers
have no affiliation with the manufacturer of the products
they represent either as a dealer or distributor. Most
have no required distribution state license or even a
simple EPA Environmental Protection License or a state
or local license to sell, install or service HVAC equipment
in the areas where they come from.
SEER Solutions for Energy Efficient Results strongly recommends you check out any online seller of HVAC equipment to verify their status as a legitimate company. First go to the manufacturer's web site and see if they are listed as any type of dealer or distributor. This will eliminate 98% of online sellers. Check their status to see if they provide any online protection to you as a consumer from the Better Business Bureau online and also at Dun and Bradstreet which lists all legitimate businesses and their financial health and existence.
Any legitimate business is proud of their
location and wants their potential customers to know their
location and encourage local pick ups. If you can't find
a business location online or the seller doesn't permit
local pick ups then you should seriously consider the
legitimacy of the seller. If you want long term technical
and warranty support you'll want to know the seller has
made a serious financial commitment into warehouses and
offices and inventory. A strong financial commitment gives
you the confidence to know the seller has been in business
for a serious length of time and will be there for you
when you need warranty support years from now. Remember,
when making an HVAC do it yourself project you are going
to be dependent on that seller for technical and warranty
support for the life of the warranty. Similar to any installation
by a contractor, it is the responsibility of the seller
to provide warranty support, not the manufacturer.
To be safe, make no assumptions about a seller
or any information provided in an online ad unless you
can verify the legitimacy of the source. There are many
online sources that are legitimate but there are a growing
number who have found they can falsely present an image
of a large successful substantial business but are only
working out of an office in their homes with no experience
or financial investment. As we explained in our warranty
section your warranty is only as strong as the HVAC distributor
or dealer/contractor. Making an investment of several
thousand dollars for a project that requires useful technical
support and assistance should be made through a distributor
who has a long term history of success, a strong financial
commitment and the proper training, knowledge and industry
certification and recognition to be of the greatest assistance
to you.
Here are some examples of online fraud
by some one-man shows working out of their homes. Several
years ago we were contacted by a number of potential customers
who were having technical questions and warranty support
issues with an online seller. Their complaints were a
result of misleading claims and statements made by this
online seller. Confusion ranged from mismatched equipment
and false claims of efficiency, to attempts to sell oversized
equipment. This particular online seller was claiming
efficiencies much higher than the manufacturers literature.
Other complaints were for attempting to sell much larger
equipment than was specified by DESCO Energy. The other
problem was equipment that was not properly matched. It
became a constant battle to explain the proper methods
of sizing and showing legitimate specifications for the
exact efficiencies or problems that would be encountered
installing equipment proposed by this seller. As distributor of Goodman equipment we couldn't understand
how another authorized distributor could be making such
false claims and proposals for equipment. At a meeting
with the Vice President of Goodman manufacturing, we voiced
our complaints about this online seller and their practices.
The Vice-President of Goodman told us to provide the name
of the distributor and they would investigate the matter.
A week later Goodman shockingly told us that no such distributor
exists in their records and nobody by the seller's name
had an account with Goodman. We assumed, like their potential
customers, that the seller was a legitimate distributor
of Goodman products as they had claimed on their website.
What we did find out after further investigation shocked
us and Goodman. DESCO Energy decided to find out who this
seller was and their relationship to the HVAC industry.
We began to investigate all the claims made by this seller
such as having a sister trucking company with over 200
warehouses coast to coast. First we had difficulty finding
any business address on the seller's website. The seller
was also selling on eBay so we investigated and found
the address was a residential address in Ohio. The seller
was not an authorized distributor of any heating and air
conditioning manufacturer. The seller was a truck driver
working out of his house in Ohio. Ohio, like Pennsylvania,
has a license requirement for any HVAC distributor. The
truck driver was using his truck driver permit to skirt
the issue of the mandated license requirement. But where
was the seller getting their HVAC equipment? We had someone
purchase equipment and used the serial number to track
the seller's source. It came from an independent distributor
on the truck driver's route. We surmised the distributor
was attempting to increase their sales by using the truck
driver as a front. If the distributor's contractor customers
found out they were selling direct on the internet they
could potentially lose most of their sales. We did a check
of the seller's business record through Dun and Bradstreet
to investigate the seller's real business activities.
We won't divulge that information here but the most important
information we gained from our intense investigation of
this seller can save you a lot of potential problems in
the future.
We also decided to investigate a number
of other online sellers and on eBay and here is what we
found. 98% have no direct affiliation with the manufacturer
they advertise either as a dealer or a distributor. The
information provided on their websites is misleading and
is against industry requirements and standards. Most have
no type of licensing nor any type of industry related
training. Most work out of their homes or a small garage.
Some are contractors and others have no industry affiliation,
training or financial commitment in the form of a brick
and mortar operation or inventory. They are what we call
Box Sellers or bootleggers. Box sellers are simply interested
in selling boxes. It was a result of our investigation
and reported findings to Goodman that prompted Goodman
to put an exclusion in their warranties regarding online

Because there is such a proliferation of online sellers
it is impossible for us to list those that are deceitfully
misrepresenting themselves as authorized distributors
or dealers.
Here's how you can protect yourself.
First go to the manufacturer's website of the products
the seller advertises. If you can't find them listed,
they have no affiliation with the manufacturer. You can
also call the manufacturer to verify this information.
Key indicators of an unauthorized seller either as a Box
Seller or Bootlegger are no business address listed or
no references made to the manufacturer as an authorized
distributor or dealer. Now why is this information so
important? If the seller has no affiliation with the manufacturer,
what affiliation do they have with the HVAC industry?
If they have no affiliation or training, can you trust
the information they provide or their continuing ability
to support the warranty? How long will they continue in
business? With no serious financial commitment or long
term history in business, their ability to go out of business
will also be quick and easy. And many of them have come
and gone out of business in the short term there has been
popularity to internet sales and advertising. There's
no harm in being an entrepreneur, but there is harm in
deceit. The truck driver is not honest, as was so highly
stressed in the ads on the internet nor an authorized
distributor. There were no 200 warehouses or a trucking
company except his truck. Any potential customer taking
the ad and information from the website at face value
would assume they're dealing with a fairly large company
with direct affiliation with the manufacturer. They would
assume their purchase is going to have total warranty
protection. But this online seller decided to retire and
finally went out of business. To the dismay of all the
seller's customers their warranties went out of business
too as they found they couldn't get any warranty support.
Please note: There is an epidemic problem
with the existing trade for oversizing of HVAC equipment
and shoddy installations. Any reputable contractor will
tell you their biggest problems aren't at all related
to the quality of the HVAC equipment produced or the manufacturers,
but from incompetent competing contractors performing
shoddy installations. Protect yourself by making

certain you aren't a victim to the same problems online.
Bad advice from an online seller will produce the same
shoddy results as a problem contractor. HVAC equipment
is not similar in any form to purchasing a major household
appliance. Yet the vast majority of online websites by
these sellers make selecting an HVAC system similar to
that of purchasing a major appliance. By making it easier
and making no requirements for something they've never
practiced in their own contractor careers this breed of
online sellers simply hopes to sell more boxes at whatever
later expense and consequence to their customers. Perhaps
they aren't concerned because they don't plan on being
around long enough to deal with the problems they create?
The problem proliferates itself when so many online sellers
and contractors make no importance of the value of proper
sizing by Manual J industry accepted standards. DESCO
Energy and SEER many times come across as the odd online
seller because of our constant emphasis about accurate
sizing. We are the only online source offering accurate
Manual J sizing online while other online seller's offer
planting charts and at the most some simplistic calculator
to determine square footage per ton for sizing. Yet every
reputable online source including manufacturers and the
Department of Energy all stress the importance of Manual
J sizing. Are we oddly different with our Manual J sizing
requirements and installation guidelines? We are accurately
different in your best interests.
At DESCO Energy we realize there are
a number of homeowners who want to make their purchase
from a legitimate source and from a legitimate company
that will be around for many years to come. We also realize
these customers want the best technical support and proper
guidelines to assist them from a company with thousands
of similar successes. But there are also homeowners who
simply don't do any research and assume all online suppliers
are the same. We also realize those customers not
taking the time will later create the most problems and
have the least successful installations. They are the
very same customers who will complain later the manufacturer's
equipment was at fault and caused the problem. Add those
homeowners to the contractors causing the same problems
and blaming manufacturers and we can see how easy it becomes
for manufacturers to take a beating for problems out of
their control. They will blame the failures on the excessive
service problems and resultant system failure because
the equipment didn't provide the level of comfort or efficiency
they expected. The same epidemic problems that plague
the HVAC industry are exacerbated by illegitimate online
sellers who are most times the same problems contractors
and persons having no affiliation with the HVAC industry.
At DESCO Energy we will continue to expand our knowledge center online and improve our technical support and services to you. As the leader and pioneer in legitimate online sales of HVAC systems to homeowners it is our goal to set the standards, guidelines and requirements for all online sales and sellers. We firmly believe the adoption of our guidelines and standards will provide each homeowner with a successful HVAC installation.
For questions or comments call us toll free 877-265-9764 or email